- $30.00 per person for all 3 days (pre-registration rate,
$35.00 at the door)
Existing members will be contacted for dues and symposium fees
via the NCMA newsletter. New and prospective members can contact
Barbara Matz, NCMA Treasurer
for more information.
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Good Things To Bring Along
- Micro-mineral donations for the live auction
- Mineral related and/or non-micro material for the silent
- Specimens for the One Dollar Sales Table
- Give away minerals
- Trade Specimens
- Microscope
- Microscope light
- Hand lens
- Egg cartons
- Small slips of paper for labeling specimens
- Pens/pencils
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Index of NCMA Lectures (1982 - present)
- Howard, Don, What's Old in Minerals
- Inna Lykova, Mckelveyite
Group Minerals
- Inna Lykova, Tolbachik,
Kamchatka - A Micromounter's Paradise
- Julian Grey, Type Mineralogy
of Oregon: History, Revisions, and Puzzles
- Howard, Don, What's Old in Minerals
- Dan Evanich, The Majuba Hill Mine and Majuba Placer Gold
District, Pershing County NV
- Bruce Kelley, Finding Art in Minerals: How an interest in
color and form ignited my passion for minerals.
- Howard, Don, What's Old in Minerals
- Brent Thorne, "A Tale of Two
Mine Dumps. The North Star Mine, Mammoth, Tintic, Juab
County, Utah"
- John Clinkenbeard, "Minerals
First Discovered in California"
- Howard, Don, What's Old in Minerals
Paul Adams, "The mines and minerals of the Candelaria District,
Mineral County, Nevada"
Bill Lechner, "Minerals of the Francon Quarry, Montreal, Quebec,
- Howard, Don, What's Old in Minerals
- Hadley, Ted &
Cox, Michael, Geology of the McDermitt Mine, Humbolt Co., NV
- Merson, Doug, Mineralogy of Mont St.-Hilaire, Quebec,
- Howard, Don, What's Old in Minerals
- Paul Adams, Minerals of the Silver Coin
- Herwig
Alfred Schoep, from Fred Flintstone to
Bob the Builder
- Howard, Don, What's Old in Minerals
Joe Marty. The Blue Lizard Mine and Other Locations
Henry Barwood, Mineralogy of the Arkansas Alkalic Syenites
- Howard, Don, What's Old in Minerals
- Tom Loomis, The Phosphates of South Rasmussen Ridge Mine,
Caribou County, Idaho
- Bob Walstrom, Imperial County, California Mineral
Overlooked and Undercollected
- Howard, Don, What's Old in Minerals
- Hadley, Ted, Maps and Navigating on a budget, or ....
Materials and methods for managing a library of topographic maps,
annotating them, using them for navigation, and paperless
portability with minimal cost investment
- Lechner, William (Bill), The Mineralogy of the Aris Quarry, Namibia
- Howard, Don, What's Old in Minerals
- Howard, Don, Golden Horn: Minerals Known and Unknown
- Bob Walstrom, Pottsite - An Odyssey
- Bob Walstrom, Accidental Pocket, Cochise County, Arizona
- Howard, Don, What's Old in Minerals
- White, Sugar, What's New in Minerals
- Marty, Joe, 2010, A Collecting Odyssey
- Greenland, Tim, Chessy France - The geology, history, and
current status, with personal experiences and views
- Housley, Bob, Mineralogy and History of the Blue Bell Claims
- Howard, Don, What's Old in Minerals
- Kokinos, Mike,
Minerals of Gold Hill, Utah
- Pelkmans, Herwig, Fluorite Oddities
- Howard, Don, Minerals from the NCMA Give-Away Tables, 2008
- Kampf, Tony, Describing New Minerals: Trials, Tribulations,
and Triumphs
- Pelckmans, Herwig , Mineral Oddities of the Eifel Area
- Howard, Don, Catalyzed growth and filiform crystals
- Thorne, Brent, New discoveries in Southern California
- White, Sugar, What's new in minerals?
- Wise, Bill, Using Google Earth to view mineral localities
- Howard, Don, Agate Trent (agate containing inclusions
of arsenic and realgar from near Trent, Oregon)
- White, Sugar, What's new in minerals?
- Wise, Bill, Some new names for old minerals, name
changes, and new information about old favorites (includes
information on zinclipscombite: Silver Coin mine; lavendulan,
unknown #2, and thometzekite: Gold Hill mine; manganbabingtonite/manganilvaite:
Fengjiashan mine, Hubei province, China; and unknown #5:
Grandview mine) (Note from Tim Rose, 10 Apr 2009:
unknown #2 from Gold Hill is now named barahonaite - (Al);
unknown #5 from the Grandview mine is grandviewite)
- Wise, Bill (standing in for Joe Marty) The Gold Hill
Mine, Tooele County, Utah
- Favreau, Georges, Bou Azzer - Update
- White, Sugar, What's new in minerals?
- Wise, Bill, Origin of retrograde skarn minerals:
Christmas Mine
- Bowell, Rob, The close relationship between elephants,
bat guano, and zeolites: Searching for zeolites and evaporites
in Western Kenya
- White, Sugar, What's new in minerals?
- Wise, Bill, The minerals of Monte Somma and Vesuvius,
Naples, Italy
- Wise, Bill, Mazzite-Na, a new mineral from Boron,
- Marty, Joe, The Hidden Treasure Mine, a Mineral Collectors
Paridise and Mineral Potpourri
- White, Sugar, What's new in minerals?
- Wise, Bill, An Update on the Mineralogy of the Silver
Coin Mine, Humboldt Co., NV.
- Loomis, Tom, South Dakota Pegmatite Minerals
- White, Sugar, What's new in minerals?
- Wise, Bill, The vanadium minerals, part IV, Origin of Uranium/Vanadium
Deposits of the Colorado Plateau
- Skebo, Mike, The minerals of Eifel and Lengenbach, Binnental, Switzerland
- White, Sugar, What's new in minerals?
- Wise, Bill, The vanadium minerals, part II
- Favreau, Georges, Bou Azzer, Morocco
- Gibbs, Ron, Minerals of the Tyrone Mine, New Mexico
- White, Sugar, What's new in minerals?
- Wise, Bill, The mineralogy of zeolites
- Pagano, Renato, The world of crystals, minerals, books and instruments of the Pagano Collection
- Wight, Quintin, Microminerals of Mont St. Hilaire
- Wight, Quintin, The pleasures of micromounting
- Graeme, Richard, Minerals of Bisbee, Cochise Co., AZ
- Klein, Scott, Minerals of the Junnila Claim, San Benito Co., CA
- Wise, William, Mineral habit, part 2
- White, Sugar and Wise, William, Whats new in minerals
- Dunning, Gail and Hadley, Ted, Mercury minerals of the Clear Creek Mine, San Benito Co., CA
- Wise, William, A review of uranium mineralogy
- White, Sugar and Wise, William, What's new in minerals
- DeMouthe, Jean, Geology of the gem minerals
- Howard, Don, Wolf Point Quarry zeolite locations
- White, Sugar and Wise, William, What's new in minerals
- DeMouthe, Jean, Introduction to the geology and mineralogy of California
- DeVito, Fred, Zeolites of Southern California
- Wise, William, Mineralogy of the New Idria District, San Benito Co., CA
- White, Sugar and Wise, William, What's new in minerals
- Jensen, Martin, The mineralogy of the Gold Quarry Mine, Eureka Co, NV
- Kidwell, Al, The phosphates of Arkansas
- Wise, William, Minerals of the rhyolite-hosted tin deposits: Taylor Creek Domes, Black Range, NM
- Wise, William, What is moganite and what is its role in the crystallization of chalcedony?
- White, Sugar and Wise, William, What's new in minerals
- Marty, Joe, Micromount collecting in Utah
- Nichols, Monte, Tomography, minerals and osteoporosis
- Frazier, Vi, Highlights of the Oregon and Washington zeolite locations
- Howard, Don, Minerals of New Zealand, with special emphasis on localities near Lake Rotorua
- Marty, Joe, Minerals of the Tintic District, Utah
- Thomssen, Dick, Minerals of the Silver Coin Mine, Humboldt Co, NV
- DeVito, Fred, Crestmore, 1992
- Jensen, Martin, Update on Majuba Hill
- Pough, Fred, Louisiana underground
- Kokinos, Mike, Mineralogy of Gold Hill, an update
- McIntosh, Larry, Review of the Red Bird Mine
- Speckels, Milton, Use of the SEM for mineral research
- Desautels, Paul, Mineral esthetics
- Dunning, Gail, Last Chance Mining District
- Howard, Don, SEM photographs, Minerals collected at the Silver Coin Mine
- McIntosh, Larry, Minerals and collecting areas, Memorial Day weekend
- Desautels, Paul, Crystal Habit
- Desautels, Paul, Origins and evolution of the micromounting hobby
- McIntosh, Larry, Geology and mineralogy of the Silver Peak area
- Cubit, Les, Sampling of New Mexico mineral locations
- DeVito, Fred, Minerals of the Santa Monica Mountains
- Speckels, Milton, More about zeolites
- Thomssen, Dick, Phosphates of Fairfield, Utah
- Wise, William, Yerington District, NV
- Thomssen, Dick, Geology of the San Rafael Mine, Nye County, NV
- Wise, William, Mineralogy of the San Rafael Mine
- Croad, Fred, Blue Bell Mine, near Baker, California (given in 2 parts)
- Wise, William, Some general comments on the formation of replacement ore deposits
- Jones, Francis, The polarizing microscope
- Kokinos, Mike, Gold Hill minerals
- Wise, William, Arsenates
- Wise, William, Morph and pseudomorph (Gold Hill)
- Downing, Jean, Microminerals of Mont St. Hilaire
- Frazier, Si, Quartz: Its occurrence and the effect of the environment and its morphology
- Wise, William, De-mix and Poudrette Quarries, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec
- Beiriger, Bill, Zeolites
- Kokinos, Mike, Zeolites
- Wise, William, Zeolites